Los Angeles Reservoir vs 96,000,000 Balls

” they are likely now starting to save more water than they cost to produce “

Los Angeles Reservoir vs 96,000,000 Balls

In 2015, the world watched as a video of 96 million “shade balls” getting dumped into the Los Angeles Reservoir went viral. The purpose of the balls: to improve water quality and save water. We explain all in this weeks blog!

Accordingly, shade balls would need to stay on the Los Angeles Reservoir for at least a year or more to save water. Depending on exactly where the shade balls are made, it could take up to 2.5 years to recover the water used.

Since shade balls have stayed on the Los Angeles Reservoir since 2015, they are likely now starting to save more water than they cost to produce.

The LA Department of Water and Power said they plan to keep shade balls as a permanent solution to water quality issues on the Los Angeles, replacing them every 10 years. LA officials also deployed shade balls at three other reservoirs, between 2008 and 2012, where they stayed temporarily for five to nine years.

Could saving water in the Los Angeles Reservoir come at the cost of consuming water in other parts of world?

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