Ball Pits, Babies & Sensory!

“they’ll understand how much is to be gained when we cooperate and share. “

Ball Pits, Babies & Sensory!

You may assume that a ball pit is a pointless and messy toy for a toddler which has no beneficial factors, this weeks we’re here to show you how that’s very untrue. From social skills to motor skills we’ve got 3 important reasons as to why ball pits are good for children!

1. Fun Fun fun 
The most important benefit your tiny tike will get out of a ball pit is hours and hours of fun. Regardless of all the other good things that come with children, seeing them have the most fun is always the best thing so of course it’s time to get yourself a ball pit. There is no right or wrong way to play in a ball pit, some children take in the colours of the balls, others want to see what it’s like to throw and catch them. No matter what was you choose to play in a ball pit, we’re sure it’ll always be a fun one.

2. Sharing Is Caring
We’re sure you by now know that sharing is something you have to constantly remind your young ones to do, manners are everything right? Introduce your little one to sharing a ball pit with other little ones, it will be confusing at first but this is where the ball pit playdates start. Teaching your child to share with their siblings or friends is a tough stage in parenting and a ball pit is a wonderful place to start. With so many balls, your child might feel protective over them but with plenty of balls around, letting go of a couple for another little friend shouldn’t be too big of a problem. With a little help from a ball pit they’ll understand how much is to be gained when we cooperate and share.

3. Improve Baby’s Motor Skills 
Children will also be working on their fine motor skills in a ball pit. Fine motor skills describe movements that have to do with smaller motor functions such as grabbing and holding. They involve the wrist, hand, and fingers versus gross motor skills that use larger muscle groups like arms and legs. When sitting in a pool of balls, the little ones can pick up and handle the balls to kick in those motor skills which won’t fully be developed at a young age. Catching the balls in the ball pit for toddler can be an effective test of their fine motor skills at work, when they toss the balls up or to another person, they’re using gross motor skills as well. So as you now know they’ll definitely be using plenty of motor skills whilst having a little fun.

Have any queries or questions for us? Leave us a little note in the comments below 🙂 

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